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Result of your search for "museums"

Suggestions 20 - 30 from39
  • Barcelona

    The 11 counties in Barcelona province offer you a whole host of possibilities so that you can enjoy leisure, culture and nature.

  • Girona


    Surreal experiences, exceptional witnesses to Greek and Roman civilisations, more than 100 km of ski slopes, enchanted lakes, medieval villages, havens for scuba divers, volcanoes among legendary beech woods, seaside villages and 200 km of beaches and coves that have captivated a plethora of European avant-garde artists await you in the counties of Girona. Make sure you don't miss it!

  • Tarragona

    Tarragona city, the capital of the Costa Daurada, is a city that grew out of the sea. 92 km south of Barcelona, showcases a roman legacy which has been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco

  • Museums with the family

    Museums with the family

    Barcelona's museums offer endless activities that make culture child's play.

  • Casa Felip

    Casa Felip

    The house was built in 1905 for the Felip family to a design by the architect Telm Fernández i Janot, and reminds us of a Venetian palazzo, with its sinuous forms and flights of steps.

  • Sport museums

    Sport museums

    Barcelona and sport have a special relationship. FC Barcelona and the Olympic Games are inextricably linked to the city, and its sports museums will reveal its most exciting and unknown side.

  • Undiscovered architectural heritage route

    Undiscovered architectural heritage route

  • Science and family tourism go hand in hand in Barcelona

    Science and family tourism go hand in hand in Barcelona

    Discover scientific secrets on these sightseeing trails that are perfect to enjoy with the family.

  • Visiting museums with kids

    Visiting museums with kids

    Kids and museums may be two words that, like oil and water, don't mix, no matter how hard you try. Nevertheless, Barcelona offers a range of museums that are the perfect places to visit with your offspring and, most important of all, where all the family can learn something new while having fun. Whatever your taste, there's one (or there are many) that you'll simply love.

  • A zerocost cultural afternoon

    A zerocost cultural afternoon

    On Sunday in Barcelona most ticket-office staff seem to have part of the day off, so you won't have to buy tickets for most main museums. The only thing to remember is this rule only applies after 3pm or all day on the first Sunday in the month. That's right! You can enjoy the top museums without paying a penny… surely one of the best deals in town.

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